Friday, March 2, 2012

Joy in the Little Things

It only took a few minutes to prepare and yet it made my daughter's day.

Our two boys were off to a tractor show for the day, and just the girls were at home with mama and papa (my husband is self employed which is why he was home). I promised them a tea party for breakfast. After getting my boys out the door I quickly made some biscuit cinnamon rolls for breakfast. While they were cooking I pulled out our tea sets. The girls got to use my smaller tea pot which I filled with chocolate milk for them. My husband and I used the larger tea pot with orange juice. A nice tablecloth, some flowers I already had in a vase and tea cups quickly went on the table.

In 10 minutes I had a lovely table setting and some excited little girls. We gathered around the table and helped our three year old pour her chocolate milk into her tea cup. You could just sense her excitement over being a big girl and getting to use these lovely items.

Head over to Raising Homemakers to read the rest....

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At March 2, 2012 at 12:28 PM , Blogger B.A. Hunter said...

Love it! Darling. :-) Looks like you created a special memory with your little girls.

At March 2, 2012 at 1:00 PM , Anonymous Stephanie L said...

I am so glad you posted this today. My almost-6-year-old daughter loves to use my grandma's china tea cups and have a tea party. All too often, I get caught up in my list of to-dos and wants and don't engage with her that way. But I think I will surprise her with a mama/daughter tea party this weekend. She will love it.

Also, I just want to say that I have enjoyed reading over your blog. I feel VERY strongly about modesty as a woman who professes Christ, but I do wear jeans almost every day of the winter (I live in CO). Recently, I decided I am going to try all skirts and dresses this summer. I am really excited about it. My daughter LOVES to wear skirts and dresses all year round and so today, even with a tad bit of snow on the ground, I put on a skirt, tights, boots and new top. When I went downstairs for breakfast, my husband smiled and told me how pretty I looked. :) Then at my Bible study this morning, a few of the other women commented that they really liked my outfit. It was fun! I think my leaning is that it is often more feminine then jeans and a hoodie (my uniform as of late) and it was a fun change. I am going to do it more often and I think my hubby will love it.

Sorry for the book and the change of topic, but I have just been encouraged by you and wanted to share.

At March 2, 2012 at 1:02 PM , Blogger Caroline @ The Modest Mom said...

Thank you so much for sharing!! I love to read stories of ladies inspired to dress in skirts because of the blog. Enjoy your new look!!

At March 2, 2012 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the little one in the Bumbo. So cute!

At March 2, 2012 at 4:32 PM , Blogger Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

I love the darling in the green "dish". Blessings from Harvest Lane Cottage!

At March 2, 2012 at 4:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those cinnamon rolls look yummy. Do you want to share the recipe?
Kim Crawford

At March 2, 2012 at 4:37 PM , Blogger Caroline @ The Modest Mom said...


Here is the recipe:

They are yummy!

At March 4, 2012 at 1:21 AM , Blogger Patches of Thyme said...

What wonderful memories you are creating!! My youngest daughter and I used to do this quite often. I think we have that recipe for the cinnamon rolls - so easy and yummy. What a great post

At March 4, 2012 at 11:33 AM , Blogger Jessica said...

Very pretty little tea party. :-) Your baby looks so cute on the table, too. Hehe


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