Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tears, Snuggles, and Story Time

(Snuggling in bed together during my first trimester of pregnancy when I was terribly sick. I honestly don't like this picture because I can feel the nausea in my stomach all over again when I look at it!)

We are all battling colds right now - even sweet baby Deborah is congested. :( It's that time of year to get them for our family. Winter isn't quite over, yet spring is popping in to say hello from time to time. Alas, the common cold wants to come visit as well.

Yesterday was a long day of children complaining, noses running, and mama's patience wearing thin. By dinner time I sat down on the couch, nursed Deborah and indulged in a cry. Thankfully my husband was home instead of at collage, so he got dinner on the table for me. :)

By bedtime I was feeling tired but composed and, thankfully, was feeling ready to face what may come. My girls totally melted at bedtime - both were in tears and did not want me to leave. So, I went and grabbed a book that was new to us and snuggled in bed with them. I'm so glad I did!

We read "The Princess and the Three Knights" by Karen Kingsbury. It is a gem for children! Even though I'm sure it is geared towards girls, I plan to read it to my boys also. They can learn a few things from the knights in the books.

If you are wanting to teach your daughters to save their hearts for the right man, and train your boys to be true men and learn how to properly win a young ladies heart, this an excellent book to read! My children are 8 and under and my almost four year old thoroughly enjoyed it.

I was glad the day ended on a positive note, and I'm hopeful today goes a lot better! :)



At March 7, 2012 at 10:01 AM , Anonymous Jen said...

She also wrote a book for boys. It's excellent!!

At March 7, 2012 at 11:06 AM , Anonymous Large Family Small World said...

Oh, we've been having days like that too. Thank you for sharing, while I'm sorry you had a rough day it is good to hear from other moms of many that they have days like this too! My Dad passed away suddenly and very unexpectedly a couple of months ago. We've all been more than a little emotional and sicknesses have not helped. A good cry, a compassionate husband and a GREAT God has helped me on many days. Sitting down for a good read with the kids has also been a blessing on those rough days. I'll have to take a look at that book, I'm sure my little girls would love it.

At March 7, 2012 at 11:39 AM , Blogger Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

I'm at the library right now and I'm going to look for that book! Thanks! And while I think that picture of you and your sweeties is precious, I have pics from my months of nausea that transport me instantly back there! I get it! Hugs, Caroline!

At March 7, 2012 at 11:46 AM , Blogger Kasey @ Walking Redeemed said...

We're at the library right now and I'll look for that one! That picture is precious, by the way! Hugs, Caroline!

At March 8, 2012 at 7:29 AM , Anonymous Melissa said...

I will have to look for that book. It sounds like something my six year old would love!


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