Thursday, November 17, 2011

Choosing joy through trials

There is more cause for joy than for complaint in the hard and disagreeable circumstances of life. 
Browning said, "I count life just a stuff to try the souls strength on." Spell the world "discipline" with a 
final g, - "discipling." We are here to learn time's lesson for eternity's business. What does it signify if the
circumstances about us are not of our choice, if by them we can be trained, learning the lessons of 
patience, fortitude, perseverance, self-denying service, acquiescence with God's will, and the hearty 
doing of it? Circumstances do not make character. The noblest character can emerge from the worst 
surroundings, and the moral failures come out of the best. Just where you are, take the things of life as 
tools, and use them for God's glory; so you will help the kingdom come, and the master will use the 
things of life in cutting and polishing you so that there shall some day be seen in you a soul conformed to 
His likeness. 

      Maltbie Davenport Babcock

Taken from the book "Streams In The Desert 2" by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. 

I read this last night before going to bed, and it encouraged me! I'm busily scurrying around trying to get a huge list done before our baby comes, and last night it was pretty discouraging how much there still was to do. I was irritable and weepy, but reading this reminded me to take joy in all things!

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