Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Modesty-A Journey of the Heart Part 1

This will be the beginning of a series concerning modesty. My hope is that it will be uplifting and encouraging, and not redundant on other articles you have read.

Have you ever stopped to think about how the clothes you wear affect those around you?

According to a survey done the clothing you wear can be: modest appropriate and tasteful, or it can be: a temptation, embarrassing, uncomfortable, a distraction, grievous to the spirit, and offensive. Which way would you like to dress?

Modesty, or the lack of it, is a daily part of your life though you may have not stopped to think about. Where are you taking your cue on what kind of clothes to wear? Is it from a model you see in a magazine, or the actors in a movie? Is it from friends at school or co-workers at the office? Is the world teaching you to dress or behave in a godly manner? What is modesty anyway?

The Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines Modesty as:

Neat- very clean, pure, well adjusted

Comely-decent, suitable, proper, becoming, suited to time, place, circumstances, or persons.

The Greek definition in the New Testament says:

Modest-2887 Greek says: orderly, of good behavior.

As a Christian do you stop to think about your impact on the world around you? Do you desire to be a righteous witness for Christ? Have you ever thought about your behavior and clothing as a direct testimony that other’s look at when they think about you as a Christian? In 1 Samuel 16:7 says… say that, “for the Lord seeth not as man seeth: for man looketh on the outward appearance..” In our culture we are bombarded with the polar opposite of God’s plan for the Christian spirit and dress. We may follow the world’s ways and excuse ourselves in out hearts thinking that, “God knows my heart”. God may very well know your heart, but people will judge you by what they see can on the outside.

Modesty doesn’t only apply to women. It applies to men as well. It’s not an archaic word that applies to times gone by but it is an important and vital part of the Christian life. Modesty outflows directly from the condition of our heart. You may protest and balk to stop and examine this area of your life. Why do you protest? The way you dress is a reflection of your heart. When your heart is in the right place it won’t only be about you and what you want. First of all it will be about God, then the brethren around you. We are called to be a peculiar people. That means you are to be a peculiar Christian, one who is full of love. “For they will know you are Christian’s by their love.” Do you love your God and your fellow brother or sister? With that spirit of God within you will become a Christian who others see as chaste, meek, and loving. Your outward appearance will reflect the love that is in your heart. Modesty is a spirit that takes care to act, speak, and dress in a way that shows you are a reflection of Christ.

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

Written by Jennifer Allen

The second part of this series will be one young woman's testimony in how she started dressing modesty, and the struggles she went through in her journey!



At March 31, 2010 at 1:09 PM , Blogger Grace~The Mommy On the Bus said...

I love that picture of Crystal and her daughter! And I really appreciate this post! I think it's very timely as summer approaches and more skin will be (or will be tempted to be) shown! Love this blog!

At March 31, 2010 at 1:53 PM , Blogger My Favorite Deals said...

Hello there.
Thanks for being a follower of my My Favorite Deals.

I am happy to tell you that you are the winner of the Mompreneur Ebooks.

I will be emailing you! Thanks again. Check back Monday for another great giveaway from My Favorite Deals!

At March 31, 2010 at 5:44 PM , Anonymous Jennifer said...

We hope that our series will be encouraging. I'm glad you are enjoying our blog.

At April 1, 2010 at 7:50 AM , Blogger Sarah said...

wonderful first post! I am looking forward to the second one! Alot. I would REALLY like to see a modesty post for during pregnancy. I am pregnant right now with my third and just struggeling with "how" and what to wear. Do you wear elastic skirts and just a size larger shirt? what suggestions do you have? I love your maternity skirts with the panels on top. I'd love to order one sometime. They ae perfect! Thanks for doing this series AND this blog. It's a REAL blessing to me!


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